Personal Information Handling Guidelines

Jibas Clam Ena (hereinafter referred to as "Jibas Clam Ena") fully recognizes the importance of protecting personal information, and in order to gain further trust from society and operate our business with integrity, we will comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Act)" and other related laws, regulations and guidelines, handle personal information properly In addition, we will take appropriate measures for safety management of personal information. The Association will ensure that personal information is handled appropriately by providing thorough education and guidance to its employees. In addition, the Association will review and improve its handling of personal information and appropriate measures for secure management as appropriate.

Acquisition of Personal Information

The Association will acquire personal information to the extent necessary for its business and by legal and fair means.

Purpose of use of personal information

The Association operates a travel agency and non-life insurance agency business via the Internet. The Association uses the information it obtains from customers through its various services only to the extent necessary for the performance of such services. It will not be used for any other purposes.

  • Authentication of the User's personal information and provision of the Service to the User
  • Distribution and sending of communications and various notices, etc. associated with the use of this service
  • Provision of personal information to accommodation facilities, tour operators, etc., based on the User's consent or application
  • Distribution and display of advertisements, contents, etc. based on attribute information, device information, location information, action history, etc., and provision of this service
  • Improvement of this service, development and marketing of new services
  • Conducting campaigns, questionnaires, monitoring, interviews, etc.
  • Delivery of URL information to senders of blank email
  • Confirmation and response to opinions, inquiries, and word-of-mouth postings related to this service
  • Investigation of applications for commercial or diversion purposes, multiple applications, transfer of rights, registration of false information, etc., which are prohibited by the Terms of Use, etc., and confirmation of the details of such applications based on such investigation

Personal Data Security Control Measures

In order to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data handled by the Association, and to otherwise safely manage personal data, the Association has taken adequate security measures, including the establishment of rules for handling and implementation systems for safety management, and has also taken appropriate measures to ensure that personal data is accurate and up-to-date as required to achieve the purpose of its use. We have also taken appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy and up-to-dateness required to achieve the purpose of use.

Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

The Association will not provide personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases

Disclaimer regarding third parties for personal data

In the following cases, the Association will not assume any responsibility for the acquisition of personal information by third parties. The information will not be used for any other purposes other than those listed below.

  • The User reveals his/her personal information to accommodation facilities or tour operators through the functions of this Service or by other means (please inquire directly with the accommodation facilities or tour operators regarding the handling of personal information by such facilities or operators).
  • In the event that the identity of an individual is inadvertently identified through information entered into the Service.
  • When personal information is provided by a user and used on an external site linked to this service
  • When information (ID, password, etc.) that can identify an individual user is obtained by a person other than the user himself/herself

Handling of Sensitive Information

In principle, the Society will not acquire personal information that includes the following information. However, this does not apply to cases in which users voluntarily provide such information.

  • Matters relating to ideology, beliefs, and religion
  • Race, ethnicity, family origin, legal domicile (excluding information regarding the state of residence), physical or mental disability, criminal record, and other matters that may cause social discrimination
  • Matters relating to the right of workers to organize, collective bargaining and other acts of collective action
  • Participation in collective demonstrations, exercise of the right to petition, and other matters relating to the exercise of political rights
  • Health Care and Sexual Health

Inquiries to the Association

Please inquire at the following contact point. For inquiries regarding insurance accidents, please contact the Accident Consultation Desk indicated on the insurance policy in addition to the contact below. Please note that we will respond to inquiries only after confirming the identity of the person making the inquiry. If you do not wish to receive information about new products and services by e-mail or direct mail from the Association, please contact us at the address below.

For inquiries, please contact

name General Incorporated Association Jivasukram Ena
Home Page

Disclosure, maintenance and improvement of personal data in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law

Requests for disclosure, correction, etc. or discontinuance of use, etc. of retained personal data in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law will be processed upon confirmation of the identity of the requesting party. With regard to personal data held by insurance companies and other companies, we will contact the relevant companies. If, as a result of a necessary investigation of the personal data held by the Company, the information concerning the person in question is found to be inaccurate, the Company will change the information to be accurate based on the results of the investigation.